Big List Of Resume 

David Alan Carter brings an insider's perspective to his reviews of popular online resume writing services. After ranking them based on Better Business Bureau scores, Carter takes a critical look at operations, service, pricing and more. See which resume writers come out on top.

What contact information should go on the resume?


Got questions, Get answers.

Q: What contact information goes on the resume?

I get that names and addresses go on resumes. But what about land-lines versus cell numbers? Email? What about FAX numbers, social links? --D. Collier, Little Rock AR

A: Just enough and no more.

Yes, include your name and street address -- unless you have a compelling reason to hide those critical facts, like you're posting the resume to a job board and you don't want your boss to stumble onto the site and discover that you're looking (Tip: cloak the name of your current employer, as well). What else?

Phone Number:  Use a personal phone number (not your work number). Regarding cell vs landline, at which one are more likely to be reached? Go with that one, although listing two phone numbers is common. Include the area code. If listing one number, skip the labels like "cell" and "telephone" in the heading. Make sure whoever answers that phone (if it's not you) will be courteous and take reliable messages. And don't try to be clever or hip in the outgoing message on the voice mail; keep it short and professional.

Speaking of voice mail, if you've included your cell phone number on the resume, know that there will be times when you will simply not be at your best with an incoming call -- you'll be driving, or in a packed elevator, or whatever. Let those calls go to voice mail, and return them when you've gotten yourself in a time and place that will allow you to focus.

Email: Include a personal email address, not a work email. And let's not make it too personal. If all you've got is, set up a new email account to use for job searching. Keep it professional sounding, with your name, initials or some combination thereof in the local part (before the @ sign). If you do set up a new account, remember to check it regularly.

Website and Online Profile: A link to a personal website or online profile (for example, at Linkedin) is becoming increasingly common. Do this only if your website or profile is professional looking and relevant to your job search, i.e. a website listing your published articles, specialized training or speaking engagements. Skip links to anything online that features photos of your pets, Youtube videos, party talk, or anything remotely political. That will likely include your Facebook page and/or personal blog.

FAX Number: Quaint and dated. Leave it off.

 Best of luck,
 David Alan Carter

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